为什么全世界几乎所有文化中,孩子都不用真名实姓称呼父母,而是使用“爸爸”、“妈妈”等称呼,但同样的事情不会出现在其他亲戚关系上,例如兄弟姐妹等关系上?(来自 Chlorophilia

共 10 条评论

  1. R.Yi


  2. 琪琪


    • Liberty

      Steve,You are correct. Just as the purchase of T-securities has an impact on the economy (reduces liquidity), so does their redemption (increases liidnuqty).Siice we already have seen that federal deficit spending (which does more than merely increase liquidity; it increases money supply) has not been related to inflation, what impact do you think the redemption of T-securities would cause?Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

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  3. jojo


  4. anotoki

    因为人类的声带结构导致最初能发出的声音类似papa mama,父母自然而然的把他当做是对自己的称呼了

  5. Ketchup-K&SE


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